03 October, 2013

Words // PICK 6 Absurd Blogs (#blogboost)

  1. I Love Men & Manatees : A personal favorite, it is what is says on the tin.... Men... and manatees. Ten points if you can actually spot a mantee post.
  2. The Many Faces of Ruby Tandoh: IT'S BRITISH BAKE OFF SEASON YOH, and here is a blog dedicated to gifs of Ruby's face. 
  3. Stickers on the Central Line: A really wonderful blog chronicling comical stickers on the central line... Not sure who sticks them!? But they get my congratulations.
  4. Letter Between Avengers: I fell in love with this blog in my third year of uni after the Avengers release, it has consistently made me die of fan girl-ing. It hasn't been updated in a long time, but it is 100% worth a read through if you are a fan.
  5. Menswear Dog: Once again, blogs have a knack for titles that get it in one.
  6. Fuck Yeah Clay Matthews: Unfortunately the layout of this blog is pretty average, however the subject matter is not: my homeboy, number 52, outside linebacker for the Greenbay Packers. He is absurd, so a blog dedicated to him can only be glorious. As she points out, the blog has come to a boring halt due to the off-season but should be picking up  :D
Some samples & links below :) I can't take any credit for finding these gems, that's all down to James Davies, Matt Reynolds and Erin Hopkins. You can check out last week's PICK 6 here, it's selection of left-field love songs I'm into right now, have a butchers :)

Enjoy (?!)