Ok. Another PICK 6. Bear with me.
So I'm an avid fan & user of last.fm (let's be friends!) and it features a handy 'loved track' button, a great way to keep a log of those songs that really hit home when your are chain-listening to albums.
I thought it would be nice to share 6 of my LOVED TRACKS with you :) I've included YouTube links at the bottom of the post, let me know what you think!
- The Antlers - No Windows This track is from BURST APART, their 2011 album which I hold in extremely high esteem. It is a beautifully crafted whole, and this track for me epitomises it's beauty and mastery. A steady pace, haunting, melancholy, extraordinary vocals (the feeling I have towards his voice... there are no word...), it echoes and rebounds, growing and leaping, the song has an organic movement, if cold northern waves were given instruments this is what it would sound like. Pure, delicate, fragile, feeling, powerful. [I briefly wrote about The Antlers 'Attic of the Universe' here.]
- Death Grips - I've Seen Footage Achingly catchy with a sample from what MUST BE 'Push It' by Salt N' Pepper. It's angry, it's upbeat, it's AGGRESSIVE. I love the grating sounds next to the shallow sampled beat and although I find the vocals basically incomprehensible, it's all pretty damn charming (or maybe I'm just rubbish). It's rhythm is irresistible. SHIIII CRAY SHIII CRAY SHIIII CRAY
- Kate Bush - Oh To Be In Love From the masterful 'Kick Inside' the album that features her jaw-dropping show-stopping 'Wuthering Heights'. Her voice has such tremendous range and reaches unapologetic soprano notes here. Horns of many a variety, male choral backing with a tribal tone, the vocal harmonies are at all times satisfying and exciting. It's like a raspberry sauce on crack cocaine. And you can quote me on that.
- The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist Taken from 'Since I Left You', the album that famously uses upwards of 3500 samples (WAAAAAA), this track tells the story of a school child who is expelled: he has been deemed criminally insane. The song has a cinematic scale, with western textures and big bold horn sections. The vinyl scratching is delightfully playful. It's a song that gives you more with each listen.
- Janelle Monae - Cold War Janelle Monae is one of my all time favorite artists. Her writing is eclectic & epic. She covers huge amounts of ground on her 'ArchAndroid' LP. 'Cold War' encapsulates the scale of her craftsmanship. With it's punchy pop sounds and her repeated statement: 'This is a Cold War, you better know what your fighting for', she is a General and you her foot solider This will get you PUMPED. Recommended as listening prior to any job interview. Or first date.
- Grizzly Bear - Knife This number hails from 'Yellow House' an album I find very hard to listen to, it hits home, but is worth it, despite it's down beat tendency. This track is perhaps the exception. The eerie and persistent vocal arrangements, build towards an optimistic crescendo. It is very very satisfying.
I hope you enjoy these, I'd love to know which you prefer!
Ok, I think that's enough PICK 6 posts for now... :) Happy Tuesday!