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I was listening to FEELS by Animal Collective earlier, one of the tracks is a real favorite in terms of it's depiction of an amorous relationship, so I thought I would do a round up of 6 compelling love songs. You can listen to the tracks below the list, enjoy!
- Breathing - Kate Bush: A dramatic piano led melody that wavers between major and minor, Kate Bush's phenomenal vocals move grippingly towards a crescendo of fear and anger. It's dark and rolling, like the best kind of storm clouds. The sound of some one on the brink, it's a song of despair & obsession, with a hint of a twisted relationship: 'Breathing my mother in / Breathing my beloved in / Breathing / Breathing her nicotine / Breathing / Breathing the fall-out in / Out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in ...' For me, this is a song about love and desire as addiction, about the vulnerability of loving.
- Blue Ocean Floor - Justin Timberlake: This is pure poetry with a slick and masterful production. It never fails to choke me up. A song about survival, us against the world, Justing promises to find his love, against all odds, following her heartbeat to the blue ocean floor 'Where they'll find us no more' .
- Purple Bottle - Animal Collective: Now for something more UPBEAT. I think the reason this song is so perfect is it's insistence on love as both friendship and something that has a holy, god like quality "Sometimes you're quiet and sometimes I'm quiet/ Hallelujah! / Sometimes I'm talkative and sometimes you're not talk
- ative, I know / Sometimes you hear me when others they can't hear me / Hallelujah!" Purple Bottle does not have the melo-drama of the two previous tracks, it succinctly captures the need and desire of sharing & home-building in love "Could we live together and agree on the same wares / A trapeze is a bird cage and even if its empty it definitely fits the room / And we would too" Essentially it encapsulates fancying someone, not just in the choice of words but the bursting puppy-like rhythms and playful, anarchic vocals. It's great.
- West Coat - Coconut Records: Being apart, it can really suck - "I miss you / I'm going back home to the West Coast / I wish you woulda put yourself in my suitcase". It's plaintive but bolstered by a big chorus in the final act, the hope of reunion.
- Warning Sign - Coldplay: I'm a big fan of Coldplay's 1st two albums (Parachutes & Rush of Blood to the Head) and I could easily have put Amsterdam here instead, but I think this list has enough despair. This track for me is really about trust, trusting that things will take their course, trusting your thoughts onto someone else, it's about the difficulty but necessity of leaning on someone. It has Coldplay's signature anthematic style, mismatched melancholy layers, and Chris Martin's falsetto. Hearing this live was an absurdly fulfilling experience.
- Digital Love - Daft Punk: A brilliant explosive number, the ideal finish to this odd list. It's disco sunshine, dance floor attraction. Electric zest and epic scale.
Here they are for your sampling pleasure. What are your Pick 6 Love Songs? And what other Pick 6 would you like me to do?
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Have a lovely Sunday evening :)
Kate x