31 May, 2015

147 Days, or Ignore This Post

4 months, 3 weeks, 6 days since I closed STREAKS, moving away from blogging to focus on writing fiction.

And how did that go for you? I hear you wonder.



I have not. 

What I have done is try to adhere to the two rules I set myself after writing that post:

  1. Finish what you start.
  2. Be so good they can't ignore you.
I needed to know that once I had a big idea (or a small one) I could see it through. And now, today, I know: I can finish.

Now, while this output is hardly 'so good' it simply CAN'T BE IGNORE, OH MY GOD!  in order for some one to ignore you, you've at least got to be in front of them.

I am abysmal at self promotion. And so: STREAKS. 

This blog has always made me feel comfortable putting my Maxwell shaped voice into the world, and gosh-darn-it, hoping for the best.

Over the next few weeks, I want to share with you some of the things I have finished, as well as some that I have started and hopefully you will think they are, at least a little bit, good.

Truly - Maxwell